Tuesday 22 November 2016

The Physical Side of Stress

Effects of stress on your emotional and physical health may be worse than you thought.
Although female sex hormones and brain chemistry offer some protection from stress, women are more deeply affected by the physical and emotional effects of stress than men.
Women’s reactions to stress are rooted in their body chemistry. Men have higher androgen levels, while women have higher estrogen levels, says Paul J. Rosch, MD, FACP, president of the American Institute of Stress (AIS).
. “Women tend to react to stress differently than men.
This helps women more than men, Rosch says. And nurturing activities boost oxytocin levels in women.
For example, Rosch explains, women are more negatively affected when they’re not touched, and also feel more stress than men in relationships.
According to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), stress is an expression of the body’s natural instinct to protect itself. While this may warn a woman of immediate danger, like a fast-approaching car, prolonged stress effects can negatively affect your physical and emotional health.
“Our stress response was exquisitely honed over millions of years as a protective mechanism,” said Rosch. “

Tuesday 1 November 2016

blackforest mudah dan enak

Hello teman :)
   ini saya mau bagi resep yang biasa saya pakai saat ingin menikmati blackforest :D

langsung aja yuk :)

Ø    6 butirTelur Ayam
Ø    250 gramGula Halus
Ø    125 gramTepung Terigu
Ø    45 gramCokelat Bubuk
Ø    200 gramMargarin
Ø    1 sendok tehCake Emulsifier

Positif dan Negatif Wanita Karir

Wanita karir dalam problematikanya terjadi pro dan kontra, dalam pandangan islam, seorang wanita/muslimah diperbolehkan untuk berkarir dengan ketentuan-ketentuan yang ditentukan, sehingga tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman bahwa dalam islam wanita dilarang untuk mengemban amanah lain selain mengurus rumah tangga, Islam pun membenarkan dan memperbolehkan adanya Wanita/Muslimah yang berkarir.